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Healthy Mentally

Nowadays people have realized
how health play big role into
their life. They
start eating healthy food,
sleeping with appropriate time,
doing exercises, and taking vitamins. Those are
good and correct things for
people to keep
healthy. People, however, need to
understand that health is not
merely in the term of physically but also
mentally. Mental health is influenced by
how people think. Being positive in
mind is
very good starting point. It is
somehow silly for some people as
they may think that the only way to keep
healthy is by doing things to
their bodies
while mind is also plays role here.
People with many things in mind
who think that life is hard tend to be
emotional, bad tempered and
there will be
changes of their behaviors. In this
case, they lose their appetite and
it surely influences their immune
systems. Moreover they will have
time to sleep. People, however, with positive
point of view of life enjoy the life.
positively think about life and
appear to feel the joy of life.
They do everything comfortably and eat
normally and they also have good
quality of
sleep. These create good
motivation in running life and
indirectly they make their bodies healthier.

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