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Health through Beauty

Physical appearance is cannot be avoided as a very important point people may think,especially women.Some people even say that personality is reflected by appearance. That is why women tend to compete to each other to be the most beautiful as somehow men always have the first sight as the measurement of a woman. One of things women like to do is make their bodies more beautiful than others. Women tend to think that a beautiful woman is the one whose body is slim. Those are not totally wrong words but some women misinterprete those. The thinner the better has become their main point in their life. Some then decide to do diet.Diet is good but it is not good when people do it not in correct way. To be slim in short period of time is demanded by women and they try to do the diet according to their own rules. They do not eat is the worst and it is not in the list of being healthy. Women need to understand that do not eat does not mean they will be thin at the same time. It will only cause bad things in their bodies. Bodies still need nutrition and avoid to eat is the worst option as they directly and indirectly become unhealthy. Some cause death to women. In this case, being beautiful does not always mean ignoring health.

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Reduce Your Fat in an Effective Way

If you have too much fat in your
body that makes you look fatty,
you don’t
need to worry because the fat
can be reduced in many ways. If
you want to reduce fat in the fastest way, you
can use liposuction technology.
Liposuction will suck the fat under
your skin and waste it. Your body
look much slimmer in just a couple of days. However, liposuction is
expensive and can't effectively
make your body more interesting
because it
will leave some wrinkles as the result of the suction. To make your body slimmer and
get a sexier body at the same
time, you need
to do exercise and also diet. The
diet will force your body to burn
more fats and make your body slimmer.
The diet plan is also fix your
The food you eat during the diet
will help your body to get better
metabolism. The diet should be accompanied by an intensive
exercise to burn
more fats. As you know, when
your body is moving, it needs
power and the
power is produced by burning fat. Therefore, you need to do
exercises that need great power
such as running,
swimming, jogging, and cycling. If
you do the exercises regularly and
combine with a good diet plan, you will be able to reduce your fat in
most effective ways.

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Living Healthier in Simple Steps

Nobody wants to be sick, including
you. To make your body healthy
and rarely
to get sick is very easy and cheap
as long as you know the secret. As
you know, the body’s health is mostly
affected by our immune system.
The immune
system in our body is heavily
affected by the quality of our
metabolism. Therefore, if you want to stay
healthy, you need to improve your
metabolism. There is a cheap way to improve
your metabolism that is by
exercising. Any
exercise especially the one that
makes your sweat, is good for
your metabolism. Therefore, you need
to do much exercise every day.
There are
many exercises that you can do. If
you have much time in the morning
before you go to the office, you can do
various exercises such as running,
or cycling. Those exercises will
make your body sweating and
waste any toxin from your body. If you don’t have enough time in
the morning, you can also do
exercise in a
gym. Choose the gym that provide
free instructor for you so you can
maintain your health as well as shaping
your body to get sexier. Any
exercise you do,
you help your body to get

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The Danger of Tramadol

You should have known that
Tramadol is the best pain reliever
ever. It works
by affecting the nerves that bring
the pain signal from the pain
source and deliver it to the brain. The
Tramadol work by disturbing the
pain nerves
that deliver pain signal so it can't
deliver the signal to the brain.
Because the brain doesn’t receive the signals, then our body
doesn’t feel
the pain. Unfortunately, Tramadol
is not completely safe. Tramadol has opiates effects it
means the Tramadol can cause
side effect
like a narcotic.The Tramadol can
cause addiction. The addiction is
usually caused by the long use of
Tramadol or the use of Tramadol
in a large dosage.
The addiction causes several
symptoms such as fever, dizziness,
and strong feeling to take the medicine. This
addiction will be very dangerous if
patient doesn’t get proper
treatment. To save the patients,
you need to bring him to the doctor and the
doctor will decide whether the
patient needs
to be hospitalized or not. There are also drug rehab centers
that can help the patient to
recover. Just
sign up the patient to the drug
rehab center to follow a
detoxification treatment that will cure the
addiction in just a couple of weeks.

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Choosing the Best Medicine for Your Health

When you are sick, everything
turns to bad and you will lose your
mood and
power to work. This condition
should be quickly handled before
your condition get worse. When you are
sick, the first thing that comes to
mind is medicine. If you have the
same sickness regularly, probably
you will know what medicine to take or
even you have the stock. If your
sickness is
caused by different thing and this
is the first time you get this kind
of sickness, you need to be careful in
choosing the medicine. To get the best medicine for your
sickness, it is better if you see a
doctor. The doctor will examine
the condition of your body and
also the
symptoms of your sickness. After he has finished checking the
condition, he
will prescribe the medicine and you
will need to bring the prescription
to a
drug store. The drug store will give you the drugs that have
been prescribed
by the doctor. The pharmacist will
tell you how to take the medicine
also the contra-indication. Buy the medicine from reliable
drug store only. You should follow
instruction carefully if you want to
get well soon.

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Beautiful by Health

Most people especially women
always want to be admitted
beautiful. They
always try to do several tips
offered by people or written by
newspaper to be beautiful. They even start
buying some vitamins or medicines
as what they
want and need. Luckily people who
try to make themselves beautiful
have realized the health side point from
it. Go to beauty center and have
consultation with the expert
about beauty
is a very good thing to do.
Consuming vitamins are also good,
especially for the life of their skin. However, what about the ones
who want
to be beautiful
and healthy
without spending a lot of money?
Make our bodies
healthy is simple and cheap. People can do the things needed for free
without being worried about
money. Do several tips of staying
healthy, avoid
some not good things can be done
here. Moreover, doing hobbies also influencial in people’s beauty. Doing hobbies means doing
something we like whether we
realize that or not
if hobbies have positive sides. The
satisfaction from doing those
things influences our body as it may bring
freshness into somebody’s mind
physics. Listening to mucic, singing
can be done in this case as the
examples. The fresh itself creates and build up motivation and
for people in facing the life. The
face reflected become more
beautiful with
the smile on it.

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Healthy Mentally

Nowadays people have realized
how health play big role into
their life. They
start eating healthy food,
sleeping with appropriate time,
doing exercises, and taking vitamins. Those are
good and correct things for
people to keep
healthy. People, however, need to
understand that health is not
merely in the term of physically but also
mentally. Mental health is influenced by
how people think. Being positive in
mind is
very good starting point. It is
somehow silly for some people as
they may think that the only way to keep
healthy is by doing things to
their bodies
while mind is also plays role here.
People with many things in mind
who think that life is hard tend to be
emotional, bad tempered and
there will be
changes of their behaviors. In this
case, they lose their appetite and
it surely influences their immune
systems. Moreover they will have
time to sleep. People, however, with positive
point of view of life enjoy the life.
positively think about life and
appear to feel the joy of life.
They do everything comfortably and eat
normally and they also have good
quality of
sleep. These create good
motivation in running life and
indirectly they make their bodies healthier.

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The Danger of Smoking

Many people love smoking. They
say that smoking can eliminate
stress and
relax our mind. However, according
to many researches, smoking is
very dangerous. It is dangerous both to the
smoker and to people in the
surrounding.The danger of smoking activity comes from the
produces when the tobacco is burnt. It produces Tar and
Nicotine that can
cause lung Cancer for the
smoker. Furthermore, the Tar can
cause your teeth
to turn to black. For the people other than the
smoker, the smoke from the
smoking activities
can cause worse effect. According
to a research, people that inhale
the smoke from the smoker have
greater chance to suffer lung
cancer. They don’t
have any immune from the smoke
and its particles. Furthermore,
smoking inside public facilities such as
buses and train is very disturbing.
It is
also against the law and you can
be jailed for it. Therefore, if you want to smoke
you need to know the danger of
it and also
the effect to other people. If you
have known the consequences,
find an open place of a place for smokers and
enjoy its fatal effect to your
body. You
will die sooner because of the
lung cancer.

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Tips to Stay Healthy

Be healthy physically and mentally
is the dream of people. People,
find somehow it is hard to be
healthy. There are many things to
do in order to stay healthy and some think
that those are bothering. Go to
gym is
advisable but it will not be
effective for busy people.
However, there are several easy things for people if
they want to stay fit. The first is about the food
consumed. People have to make
sure that their
bodies receive nutrition everyday.
People do not need to buy
expensive food. All they have to do is just simply
eat three times a day, in the
afternoon and the evening. The
next thing is rest time. They have
to sleep at least six to eight hours a day.
Drinking 6-12 glasses of water
each day
is the next to do things. It really
effects the immune system as it
helps to avoid being dehydrated. Consuming
vitamin is not a wrong thing to do.
Another thing is exercise. The
exercise itself does not mean to
go to gym
and spend money but people can do it freely by jogging in the
morning. It is
good for heart. Those are several tips for keeping
our body healthy without spending
a lot
of money. Do those things
regularly then people will be
healthy and feel comfortable to enjoy the life and
of course always be ready to

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How to be Healthy

Life is getting harder and harder.
People are competing to each
other in
order to survive in this world. The
competition can be about jobs.
They work hard to get much income to fulfil
their daily needs. How can people
then? In order to survive in this wild
world all people need is do is
staying healthy. How to do it? It is actually
very simple because they only
have to consider several points. The first
one is food. What people eat and
how many
times they do it are very crucial.
The energy for body to do things
is got from the food consumed. Next
point is how to manage time.
Working is not
wrong but people have to
remember that their bodies need
time to be rested. Ideally people have to sleep
around eight hours per day.
Vitamins and
exercises also belong to how to
stay healthy list. Another thing people have to
consider is mentally. Mind has big
power into
people’s bodies. Once they think
badly about life and health then it
will come true. For example a person
may think he never be healthy
and the real
thing is he never be healthy
because what people think will
always be true?.

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A Choice of Health

People work hard to run their life
and their families. The money
earned is
used to fulfil their needs, such as
expenses for daily needs, buy
things, pay credit card and many more.
They try to manage their money
well and try
to be economical by buying only
important needs and avoid to
spend money for the unimportant ones. Limit of budget is somehow
troublesome for people. Work too
hard, in this
case, is the choice they make.
People, however, do not realize
those effect their health very much. Be tired,
have headache, flu are silly things
their mine and those become the
unimportant lists to ignore. They
choose not to think about those and pretend
that they are healthy whereas
they are not.
It actually brings special needs of
money. Deciding not to take medicine or
see the doctors due to be
economical is not
a good thing to do here. In this
case the disease live in their
bodies and the immune system of their bodies
are reducing from day to day. The
worst is
they do not have any energy to
walk or even to eat that they
have to be hospitalized. Staying at hospital
does not cheap at all and people
need to
spend much more money to pay
the drugs and the doctors. So
which one you choose, be economical by ignoring
health or spend little money for

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Work and Health

There are many factors which
the life of people. The
demands of
prior neeeds, like food, place to
live in and clothes are the
examples of it. In order to fulfil the needs,
people have to work hard to earn
Finding a good job with good
salary is the option. They even
choose to work in several places for money. It is never wrong for people to
work hard in order to earn much
money. It,
however, goes wrong when people
work too hard. This condition
forces them to be too active that they somehow
ignore the most essential thing in
life, which is health. They do not
think whether they are tired and
their bodies need to take rest. All the
thing in their minds is money.
actually plays a very important
role in life as it is the one which
controls everything. Once the person is
unhealthy, he or she cannot do
anything. It is very important for people to
stay healthy. Being healthy means
joy of
life. They can do whatever they
want and feel comfortable because
their bodies are in good condition. That
is why health is important and
healthy is the best choice of life?

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Maintain the Health

Health is one of important
aspects people should have to
run their lifes. It
is good that recently people have
realized how essential it is to
own. They try anything which will be
advantageous toward their
health, for instance
doing exercises regularly, enough time to
sleep, think positevely and even
they try to avoid such not really
good things. Those are totally effective and
great things to do. Once they are
sick, they
see the doctors and take
medicines and get soon recover is
always be waited by the patients. The difficult point
here is about how to maintain the health achieved. When they feel
they are recovered and ready to
work, they
tend not to be discipline in doing to-do lists,like exercise,eat
food and many more. Eating much
food is never forbidden but it
somehow can
bring bad effect to people’s life when the food gives nutrition to
bodies.To maintain the health itself,
people still need to exercise
Another advanageous thing is
drink more water, especially
mineral water. The other point how maintain the health is sleep. People need to
have plenty
time to sleep but somehow they
ignore it whereas sleeping is
considered as body repair. Being and maintaning healthy are things should be
stored in mind?

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What to Avoid to be Healthy

Many ways are done in order to
get healthy life.People eat healthy food,
drink much mineral water, and
even they consume vitamins.
Exercise regularly is also a good thing people do in
order to realize healthy and
life. Some people try hard to
have enough time to sleep for
their body to repair the body system. People,
however, do not realize yet that
to be
healthy, we also need to avoid things. There are many tips offered to
people to keep their bodies
healthy. At the
same time, people also have to avoid several things. The first one
is avoid smoking. Smoking contains nicotine
which may cause the hard of
People also need to avoid drinking
alcohol and caffeine, especially
before they go to bed. Another one to avodi is junk food or fast food.
This kind of
food does not give people good
effects. When people balance the healthy
lifestyle, they can enjoy the life
than who do not. People do not
merely do based on ther to-do
lists but they also think about such things
which should not do related to
their health
matter. If they do those things,
do and avoid things, it is believed
that their health will get better than before?.

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How Sleep Affect Health

Busy makes people tend to have
little time to take a rest. There
are papers
and reports with the deadline,
many chores to do, assignments
force people to be busy that they lack of time to sleep. Some of them even do
not sleep at all. Some sleep for around two
hours a day. This condition is not
good at all related to their health. Sleeping time is being underestimated by several people.
People do not
realize how sleep affect their lifes
very much. Having enough and
quality time to sleep is a must for human unless they make themselve unhealthy.
People who have enough time to sleep, according to a research,
appear to have longer life than the ones
who do not. This is due to the bad effects it
may bring. People with difficulties
in sleeping may endanger their
bodies from such serious health matter,
for instance heart. Heart attack,
diabetes and many seious health
problems can be caused by little
time for people to sleep. Plentiful sleep will give good effect to people. Concentration,
fresh mind
and body are some examples of
the advantages of sleeping.
Hence, it is easy to stay healthy. People merely
have to have enough and quality
time to sleep?.

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