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The Danger of Smoking

Many people love smoking. They
say that smoking can eliminate
stress and
relax our mind. However, according
to many researches, smoking is
very dangerous. It is dangerous both to the
smoker and to people in the
surrounding.The danger of smoking activity comes from the
produces when the tobacco is burnt. It produces Tar and
Nicotine that can
cause lung Cancer for the
smoker. Furthermore, the Tar can
cause your teeth
to turn to black. For the people other than the
smoker, the smoke from the
smoking activities
can cause worse effect. According
to a research, people that inhale
the smoke from the smoker have
greater chance to suffer lung
cancer. They don’t
have any immune from the smoke
and its particles. Furthermore,
smoking inside public facilities such as
buses and train is very disturbing.
It is
also against the law and you can
be jailed for it. Therefore, if you want to smoke
you need to know the danger of
it and also
the effect to other people. If you
have known the consequences,
find an open place of a place for smokers and
enjoy its fatal effect to your
body. You
will die sooner because of the
lung cancer.

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