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How to be Healthy

Life is getting harder and harder.
People are competing to each
other in
order to survive in this world. The
competition can be about jobs.
They work hard to get much income to fulfil
their daily needs. How can people
then? In order to survive in this wild
world all people need is do is
staying healthy. How to do it? It is actually
very simple because they only
have to consider several points. The first
one is food. What people eat and
how many
times they do it are very crucial.
The energy for body to do things
is got from the food consumed. Next
point is how to manage time.
Working is not
wrong but people have to
remember that their bodies need
time to be rested. Ideally people have to sleep
around eight hours per day.
Vitamins and
exercises also belong to how to
stay healthy list. Another thing people have to
consider is mentally. Mind has big
power into
people’s bodies. Once they think
badly about life and health then it
will come true. For example a person
may think he never be healthy
and the real
thing is he never be healthy
because what people think will
always be true?.

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A Choice of Health

People work hard to run their life
and their families. The money
earned is
used to fulfil their needs, such as
expenses for daily needs, buy
things, pay credit card and many more.
They try to manage their money
well and try
to be economical by buying only
important needs and avoid to
spend money for the unimportant ones. Limit of budget is somehow
troublesome for people. Work too
hard, in this
case, is the choice they make.
People, however, do not realize
those effect their health very much. Be tired,
have headache, flu are silly things
their mine and those become the
unimportant lists to ignore. They
choose not to think about those and pretend
that they are healthy whereas
they are not.
It actually brings special needs of
money. Deciding not to take medicine or
see the doctors due to be
economical is not
a good thing to do here. In this
case the disease live in their
bodies and the immune system of their bodies
are reducing from day to day. The
worst is
they do not have any energy to
walk or even to eat that they
have to be hospitalized. Staying at hospital
does not cheap at all and people
need to
spend much more money to pay
the drugs and the doctors. So
which one you choose, be economical by ignoring
health or spend little money for

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Work and Health

There are many factors which
the life of people. The
demands of
prior neeeds, like food, place to
live in and clothes are the
examples of it. In order to fulfil the needs,
people have to work hard to earn
Finding a good job with good
salary is the option. They even
choose to work in several places for money. It is never wrong for people to
work hard in order to earn much
money. It,
however, goes wrong when people
work too hard. This condition
forces them to be too active that they somehow
ignore the most essential thing in
life, which is health. They do not
think whether they are tired and
their bodies need to take rest. All the
thing in their minds is money.
actually plays a very important
role in life as it is the one which
controls everything. Once the person is
unhealthy, he or she cannot do
anything. It is very important for people to
stay healthy. Being healthy means
joy of
life. They can do whatever they
want and feel comfortable because
their bodies are in good condition. That
is why health is important and
healthy is the best choice of life?

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