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Maintain the Health

Health is one of important
aspects people should have to
run their lifes. It
is good that recently people have
realized how essential it is to
own. They try anything which will be
advantageous toward their
health, for instance
doing exercises regularly, enough time to
sleep, think positevely and even
they try to avoid such not really
good things. Those are totally effective and
great things to do. Once they are
sick, they
see the doctors and take
medicines and get soon recover is
always be waited by the patients. The difficult point
here is about how to maintain the health achieved. When they feel
they are recovered and ready to
work, they
tend not to be discipline in doing to-do lists,like exercise,eat
food and many more. Eating much
food is never forbidden but it
somehow can
bring bad effect to people’s life when the food gives nutrition to
bodies.To maintain the health itself,
people still need to exercise
Another advanageous thing is
drink more water, especially
mineral water. The other point how maintain the health is sleep. People need to
have plenty
time to sleep but somehow they
ignore it whereas sleeping is
considered as body repair. Being and maintaning healthy are things should be
stored in mind?

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What to Avoid to be Healthy

Many ways are done in order to
get healthy life.People eat healthy food,
drink much mineral water, and
even they consume vitamins.
Exercise regularly is also a good thing people do in
order to realize healthy and
life. Some people try hard to
have enough time to sleep for
their body to repair the body system. People,
however, do not realize yet that
to be
healthy, we also need to avoid things. There are many tips offered to
people to keep their bodies
healthy. At the
same time, people also have to avoid several things. The first one
is avoid smoking. Smoking contains nicotine
which may cause the hard of
People also need to avoid drinking
alcohol and caffeine, especially
before they go to bed. Another one to avodi is junk food or fast food.
This kind of
food does not give people good
effects. When people balance the healthy
lifestyle, they can enjoy the life
than who do not. People do not
merely do based on ther to-do
lists but they also think about such things
which should not do related to
their health
matter. If they do those things,
do and avoid things, it is believed
that their health will get better than before?.

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How Sleep Affect Health

Busy makes people tend to have
little time to take a rest. There
are papers
and reports with the deadline,
many chores to do, assignments
force people to be busy that they lack of time to sleep. Some of them even do
not sleep at all. Some sleep for around two
hours a day. This condition is not
good at all related to their health. Sleeping time is being underestimated by several people.
People do not
realize how sleep affect their lifes
very much. Having enough and
quality time to sleep is a must for human unless they make themselve unhealthy.
People who have enough time to sleep, according to a research,
appear to have longer life than the ones
who do not. This is due to the bad effects it
may bring. People with difficulties
in sleeping may endanger their
bodies from such serious health matter,
for instance heart. Heart attack,
diabetes and many seious health
problems can be caused by little
time for people to sleep. Plentiful sleep will give good effect to people. Concentration,
fresh mind
and body are some examples of
the advantages of sleeping.
Hence, it is easy to stay healthy. People merely
have to have enough and quality
time to sleep?.

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